Monday, May 24, 2010

My Angel

My days were so lonely
Every moment of solitude was all i had
Parents who had never ending love
Brother and Sisters with caring hearts
A fat cat with a tender heart
That was what i had.

I felt i was missing something
Not complete with that tiny fragment
Till you appear
I am in the arms of the angel
I found comfort in those arms

He tells me stories of life
Flew with me away from the madness
Plants trust in me
He gave me spirit to wake up early every morning
He makes me want to grow old with him
I don't even mind dying in his arms.

HE is my tiny fragment that completes my heart
In the arms of the angel
Fly away from the endlessness that you fear
Your in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Faces with many emotions fill my eyes ,
Pavements with different colors excites my soul,
Adults with brilliant minds help me fill my empty cup.

That is how i felt with my new home.

As time passes one's feeling changes,
New emotions erupt without warning,
Our home becomes a hell hole.

But as our time is over,
We will feel again out colorful emotions,
About our home.

The Day

To the day where numbers were formed,
The world is filled with knowledge.

The second a genius gets an idea,
We humans become a catalyst.

As a new world is formed,
It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.

As we find love towards another,
The world lacks of it.

The day the earth stood still,
that is the day we regret out actions.

To the last syllable of recorded time,
That, is when we start over the poem.

What my soul sees.

As the sun sets and the moon rises,
My body stays conscious.

In a place where no love exist,
I rot together with the dead.

As time keeps passing by,
Pleas and shots were heard,
This problem is the downfall of humanity,
When will it end ?

My corpse is no where to be found,
But my soul is still here,
For love to come.

-The End-